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Error Handling

For webhook notifications, Stream Rules will wait up to 18 seconds for a response from the configured web service. If Stream Rules does not receive a response or the response has a status code in the 400 or 500 levels, Stream Rules considers this an error and will retry this notification using a back-off strategy over the course of a 15 minute period. Once this period expires, the notification will be marked GaveUp and automatic retries will end. A failed notification can be retried manually using the Stream Rules API api/v1/rules/<id>/events/<id>/replay endpoint.

To determine if a request is a retry request, refer to the webhook request header lwsentinel-retry-balance. This header is attached to every notification webhook and displays how many times Stream Rules will proceed to retry in the event of failure. When the value is "0", Stream Rules will not automatically retry a in the event of failure.