Custom Metrics Dimensions
When querying custom metrics, there is a field named dimensions
. This is a jsonb field that can hold any attributes of your custom metric that are useful for filtering, grouping, etc.
What Dimensions Does a Metric Have?
If you are looking at a particular custom metric definition and want to see what dimensions the data contains, this query might be useful:
with latest_metrics as (
select dimensions
from custom_metrics cm
where custom_metric_definition_id = '<put_the_custom_metric_definition_id>'
order by updated_time desc
limit 25
select distinct jsonb_object_keys(dimensions)
from latest_metrics;
Commonly Used Dimensions
The list below is not all-encompassing, but it provides some detail around common dimensions used by many of our custom metrics:
- address
- address associated with the data
- balance
- balance in LP tokens, need to use exchangeRate to convert to pool denominated tokens for the associated account
- borrowAPY or borrowRate
- to calculate borrowAPR: borrowAPY _ 31536000 / 1E18 _ 100
- to calculate borrowAPY: POWER(1 + (borrowAPY / 1E18) , 31536000) - 1) * 100
- 31536000 comes from the jump rate model contract - function: timestampsPerYear
- borrowBalance
- Balance of tokens for the associated account
- borrowCap
- in cTokens
- decimal by dividing by
coalesce(am.context->>'underlying_token_decimals', am.contextz->>'decimals')
from theaddress_metadata
- borrowPaused
- 1 or 0, yes or no
- cash
- in cTokens (liquidity = cash - totalReserves)
- decimal by dividing by
coalesce(am.context->>'underlying_token_decimals', am.contextz->>'decimals')
from theaddress_metadata
- collateralFactor in %
- divide by 1e18
- customMetricEvaluationSuccess
- 1 or 0
- exchangeRate
- exchange rate between LP tokens and pool tokens LPtoken * exchange rate = pool denominated tokens
- mintPaused
- 1 or 0
- price (pyth for now)
cm.val::numeric / POWER(10, 18) / POWER(10, 18 - CAST(am.context->>'underlying_token_decimals' as numeric))
- reserveFactor in %
- divide by 1e18
- supplyAPY or supplyRate
- to calculate supplyAPR:
supplyAPY _ 31536000 / 1E18 _ 100
- to calculate supplyAPY:
POWER(1 + (supplyAPY / 1E18) , 31536000) - 1) * 100
- to calculate supplyAPR:
- totalBorrows
- in cTokens
- decimal by dividing by
coalesce(am.context->>'underlying_token_decimals', am.contextz->>'decimals')
from theaddress_metadata
- totalReserves in cTokens
- USDC, USDT, ATOM divide by 1e30
- WBTC, WETH divide by 1e28
- EVMOS divide by 1e18
- totalSupply of LP tokens for the lending pool contract
- totalUnderlyingSupply - the total underlying supply for the lending pool contract in tokens
- decimal by dividing by
coalesce(am.context->>'underlying_token_decimals', am.context->>'decimals')
from theaddress_metadata
- decimal by dividing by