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Schema: risk_models


This table provides our recommended settings for risk parameters on Compound-compatible lending protocols. This includes collateralFactor, reserveFactor, borrowCap, etc. This is the raw data recorded output by our risk models that can be aggregated into more user-friendly data strucutures. This table is useful for analyzing and comparing risk parameters over time and across different lending protocols, tokens, etc.


idcharacterUnique identifier for each recordNone
data_timetimestamptzTimestamp of when the data was recordedNone
chaintextName of the blockchain networkNone
parameter_nametextName of the risk parameterNone
protocoltextName of the lending protocolNone
underlying_contracttextAddress of the underlying asset contractNone
lending_pool_contracttextAddress of the lending pool contractNone
valnumericValue of the risk parameterNone
safe_rangenumrangeRange of safe values for the risk parameterNone
updated_timetimestamptzTimestamp of when the data was last updatedNone
lending_pool_symboltextSymbol of the lending poolNone
underlying_symboltextSymbol of the underlying assetNone
is_syntheticbooleanIndicates if the underlying asset is syntheticfalse


Get all collateral factors for USDT over the last three days on protocol Hover
select *
from risk_models.raw_compound_compatible_lending_pool_risk_parameters rp
where rp.data_time > now() - '3 days'::interval
and rp.parameter_name = 'collateralFactor'
and rp.protocol = 'Hover'
and rp.underlying_symbol = 'USDt'
order by rp.data_time;