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Schema: lib


These functions retrieve the latest value in each time bucket for a custom metric for each provided contract address.

Examples this function can help address:

  • Get the latest borrowRate for a single lending pool contract for each hour over the last 24 hours
  • Get the latest borrowRate for a set of lending pool contracts for each hour over the last 24 hours
  • Get the latest totalSupply for an ERC20 token for each day over the last 2 weeks

Two variants of this function exist:

  • latest_bucketed_custom_metric_for_contract: Get the latest bucketed values for a single contract
  • latest_bucketed_custom_metric_for_contracts: Get the latest bucketed values for a set of contracts



Single contract:

lib.latest_bucketed_custom_metric_for_contract(contract text, metric_name text, start_time timestamp with time zone, end_time timestamp with time zone, bucket_width interval)

Multiple contracts:

lib.latest_bucketed_custom_metric_for_contracts(contracts text[], metric_name text, start_time timestamp with time zone, end_time timestamp with time zone, bucket_width interval)


contracttextThe address(es) of the contracts to find data for.
metric_nametextThe name of the custom metric to find data for.
start_timetimestamptzThe starting point for the data search. Only data points that occurred at or after this time will be considered.
end_timetimestamptzThe endpoint for the data search. Only data points that occurred at or before this time will be included.
bucket_widthintervalThe time window used to group the data. This allow downsampling to the latest datapoint for each bucket and for comparison of data points across regular time intervals (e.g. hour-over-hour).


contracttextThe address of the contract the custom metric corresponds to.
metric_nametextThe name of the custom metric
bucket_timetimestamptzThe time bucket that the data was grouped into.
valnumericThe latest value in the time bucket for the custom metric.


Retrieve latest bucketed data for a specific contract and metric
select * from lib.latest_bucketed_custom_metric_for_contract('0x123abc', 'total_sales', '2021-01-01 00:00:00', '2021-01-31 23:59:59', '1 day');
Retrieve latest supplyRate a single contract
select *
from lib.latest_bucketed_custom_metric_for_contract(
now() - '1 day'::interval,
'1 hour'
Retrieve latest totalSupply for multiple contracts
select *
from lib.latest_bucketed_custom_metric_for_contracts(
array['0xce86ebc669bbf07a64a0a55bb105cc2b5b5d1961', '0x1bf92be674483d54a8e3a589e456c39eac4339bd'],
now() - '2 weeks'::interval,
'1 day'