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Schema: lib


The transfers_for_participant function is used to retrieve all transfers for a given participant within a specified time range. A "participant" can be either the sender or recipient of a token transfer. This function also allows for an optional chain constraint to limit to only transactions on a given chain.



participant text,
start_time timestamptz,
end_time timestamptz,
token_chain text


participanttextThe participant for whom transfers will be retrieved. This can be either the sender or recipient of a token transfer.
start_timetimestamptzThe starting point for the data search. Only transfers that occurred at or after this time will be included.
end_timetimestamptzThe endpoint for the data search. Only transfers that occurred at or before this time will be included.
token_chaintext(Optional) The specific chain to look for transfers on. This is useful if an address is used across multiple chains, but you only want transfers for one chain


The function returns a table with the following columns:

idtextThe unique identifier for the transfer.
chaintextThe token chain for the transfer.
transaction_hashtextThe hash of the transaction that initiated the transfer.
log_indexintegerThe index of the log within the transaction.
consensus_timetimestamptzThe time at which the transfer was confirmed by the network.
contracttextThe address of the contract involved in the transfer.
aliased_contracttextThe alias of the contract, if one exists.
entrypoint_contracttextThe address of the entrypoint contract involved in the transfer.
aliased_entrypoint_contracttextThe alias of the entrypoint contract, if one exists.
sendertextThe address of the sender in the transfer.
aliased_sendertextThe alias of the sender, if one exists.
recipienttextThe address of the recipient in the transfer.
aliased_recipienttextThe alias of the recipient, if one exists.
valnumericThe value of the transfer.
decimaled_valnumericThe value of the transfer, converted to the appropriate decimal place if decimal places is known for the token


Retrieve all transfers within the last 6 hours for an address
select *
from lib.transfers_for_participant(
now() - '6 hours'::interval,
Retrieve all transfers within the last 6 hours for an address on the Kava chain
select *
from lib.transfers_for_participant(
now() - '6 hours'::interval,