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Schema: lib_lending


This function allows you to retrieve a time-series of lending pool summaries for all lending pools within a lending protocol. These summaries include total supply, total borrows, total reserves, and the price of the underlying token. This information can be useful for analyzing the overall health, utilization, and activity on a lending protocol over time.



company text,
start_time timestamptz default now() - '1 week'::interval,
end_time timestamptz default now(),
bucket_width interval default '1 day'::interval


companytextThe name of the company whose lending pool summaries you want to retrieve.
start_timetimestamptzOnly consider data points that occurred at or after this time. The assumption is lending pools are updated regularly, so you can generally set this to a value like now() - '1 week'::interval to get query results faster
end_timetimestamptzOnly consider data points that occurred at or before this time. Defaults to now()
bucket_widthintervalThe size of the time bucket to use to group summary data for each lending pool. Only the latest values from each bucket are returned. Defaults to '1 hour'::interval


The function returns a table with the following columns:

contracttextThe address of the lending pool contract
symboltextThe symbol of the lending pool
underlying_symboltextThe symbol of the underlying token.
bucket_timetimestamptzThe data time based on the time of each datapoint bucketed using the provided bucket_width
pricenumericThe price of the underlying token.
total_supplynumericThe total amount of underlying token supplied to the lending pool.
total_cashnumericThe total amount of underlying token available for borrow.
total_borrowsnumericThe total amount of underlying token borrowed from the lending pool.
total_reservesnumericThe total amount of underlying token held in reserve by the lending protocol.
total_supply_usdnumericThe USD value of the total amount of underlying token supplied to the lending pool.
total_cashnumericThe USD value of the total underlying token available for borrow.
total_borrows_usdnumericThe USD value of the total underlying token borrowed from the lending pool.
total_reserves_usdnumericThe USD value underlying token held in reserve by the lending protocol.


Get hourly lending pool summaries for all Hover lending pools for the last 24 hours
select *
from lib_lending.bucketed_lending_pool_summaries_for_company(
now() - '24 hours'::interval,
'1 hour'::interval
order by symbol, bucket_time;
Get hourly utlilization % for all Hover lending pools for the last 24 hours

This example renames fields to allow them to be shown in a line chart in our platform

s.symbol as metric_name,
s.bucket_time as time,
round((s.total_borrows / (s.total_borrows + s.total_cash - s.total_reserves)) * 100, 2) as val
from lib_lending.bucketed_lending_pool_summaries_for_company(
now() - '24 hours'::interval,
'1 hour'::interval
) s
order by symbol, bucket_time;

That example can be simplified further for protocols where total_supply = s.total_borrows + s.total_cash - s.total_reserves:

s.symbol as metric_name,
s.bucket_time as time,
round(s.total_borrows / s.total_supply * 100, 2) as val
from lib_lending.bucketed_lending_pool_summaries_for_company(
now() - '24 hours'::interval,
'1 hour'::interval
) s
order by symbol, bucket_time;