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Schema: lib_lending


This function is used to retrieve the latest total supply in each time bucket for lending pool contract(s). It returns the latest total supply for each time bucket for each contract. Time window are driven by the start_time, end_time, and interval inputs

A few variants of this function function exist:

  • lending_pool_total_supply accepting a single contract address as input: This allows pulling total supply over time for a single lending pool contract
  • An overload for lending_pool_total_supply accepting an array of contract addresses: This allows pulling total supply over time for a list of lending pool contracts
  • lending_pool_total_supply_for_company: This allows pulling total supply over time for all lending pool contracts belonging to a specific company



Pull total supply over time for a single contract:

lib_lending.lending_pool_total_supply(contract text, start_time timestamptz, end_time timestamptz, bucket_width interval)

Pull total supply over time for a multiple contracts:

lib_lending.lending_pool_total_supply(contracts text[], start_time timestamptz, end_time timestamptz, bucket_width interval)

Pull total supply over time for all lending pool contracts belonging to a specific company:

lib_lending.lending_pool_total_supply_for_company(company text, start_time timestamptz, end_time timestamptz, bucket_width interval)


contracttextThe address of the lending pool contract
start_timetimestamptzThe earliest datapoint time to use when filtering total supplies
end_timetimestamptzThe latest datapoint time to use when filtering total supplies
bucket_widthintervalThe interval to use when grouping total supplies. Only the latest total supply in each interval will be returned


The function returns a table with the following columns:

contracttextThe address of the lending pool contract
bucket_timetimestamptzThe time bucket to use forgroup total supplies
total_supply_in_underlyingnumericThe total supply in the underlying currency
total_supply_in_usdnumericThe total supply in USD


Example 1: Retrieve daily total supply for a specific lending pool contract
select *
from lib_lending.lending_pool_total_supply(
now() - '1 week'::interval,
'1 day'
Example 2: Retrieve hourly total supply for multiple lending pool contracts
select * from lib_lending.lending_pool_total_supply(
array['0x123abc', '0x456def'],
now() - '2 days',
'1 hour'
Example 3: Retrieve hourly total supply for all lending pool contracts operated by company XYZ
select *
from lib_lending.lending_pool_total_supply_for_company(
now() - '2 days',
'1 hour'