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Schema: service_usage


The stream_notifications table in the service_usage schema contains usage metrics for the LWorks Stream product. This includes information about organization IDs, event IDs, rule IDs, delivery times, and more. This data is useful for tracking the usage and performance of the LWorks Stream product.


organization_iduuidThe ID of the organization using the LWorks Stream product.None
source_timetimestamptzThe time when the event occurred.None
event_idtextThe ID of the event.None
statusstream_notification_statusThe status of the event.None
attemptsmallintThe number of attempts made to deliver the event.None
rule_iduuidThe ID of the rule associated with the event.None
rule_nametextThe name of the rule associated with the event.None
rule_typestream_notification_rule_typeThe type of rule associated with the event.None
delivery_timetimestamptzThe time when the event was delivered.None
stream_timetimestamptzThe time when the event was streamed.None
destination_typestream_notification_destinationThe type of destination for the event.None



  • Success
  • Failure
  • Pending
  • Skipped
  • Timeout
  • GaveUp
  • Batching


  • HCSMessagesByTopicId
  • TokenMintsByTokenId
  • TokenBurnsByTokenId
  • TokenTransfersByTokenId
  • ContractCallsByContractId
  • SourceAccountBasedSecurityRule
  • AccountActivityByAccount
  • MetricAlarmsByAlarmId


  • Webhook
  • Websocket
  • KafkaTopic

How to Query

As an end user this table can be queried with the template function user_data_access.service_usage_stream_notifications.