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Schema: public


The address_metadata table holds additional information about the contracts that we’re ingesting. This includes various bits of metadata like a friendly alias for the contract, the number of decimals a contract uses, the company a contract is associated with, etc.


Column NameData TypeDescription
accounttextThe wallet or contract address associated with the metadata.
aliastextA human readable name for this address.
contextjsonbCustom metadata per address. See this page for more details
created_attimestamptzThe timestamp when address metadata was originally created
updated_attimestamptzThe timestamp when the address metadata was last updated.
deleted_attimestamptzThe timestamp when the address metadata was deleted.
The account field

The account field often maps to the contract in tables like contract_calls, contract_logs, etc. and can be used in joins to retrieve contract information that is useful for calculations. E.g. underlying_token_decimals is often used to convert a raw value to it's contract-specific decimal value.

Similarly, the account field can be joined to the sender or recipient fields in the transactions table to include additional address metadata with a transaction.