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Schema: public


The custom_metrics table holds custom data that is extracted from transactions. These require custom metric definitions to be setup beforehand to extract protocol/domain-specific information from each transaction, contract log, etc. This allows greater insight into the domain-specific details about what is occurring on-chain.


Column NameData TypeDescription
iduuidThe unique identifier for the sanctioned address.
updated_timetimestamptzThe timestamp when the custom metric was last updated.
chaintextThe blockchain this sanctioned address belongs to.
dimensionsjsonbAttributes of a custom metric useful for filtering, grouping, etc. See this page for more details
valnumericThe value associated with the custom metric.
string_valtextThe string value associated with the custom metric.
custom_metric_definition_idtextThe id of the custom metric definition was used to generate this metric. The definition includes the blueprint for the custom metric (e.g. whether to trigger on a log or transaction, contract functions to invoke, which metrics to generate, etc.)
ownertextWho owns this custom metric definition.