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Schema: public


The token_transfers table is used to store data about each token transfer on supported chains. It contains information such as the sender, recipient, contract, and value of each transfer. This table is useful for tracking the movement of tokens on the blockchain and analyzing token usage patterns.


idcharacterUnique identifier for each transferNone
chaintextName of the chain (e.g. kava, avalanche, etc.)None
transaction_hashtextHash of the transaction where the transfer occurredNone
log_indexintegerIndex of log that contains the transferNone
consensus_timetimestamptzTime at which the transfer was confirmed by the networkNone
sendertextAddress of the senderNone
recipienttextAddress of the recipientNone
contracttextAddress of the token contractNone
entrypoint_contracttextAddress of the contract that was called by the transaction initiatorNone
valnumericRaw amount of token transferredNone


Get the most recent 10 transfers from our database
select *
from token_transfers
order by consensus_time desc
limit 10;

To get a human-friendly (decimaled) value for token transfers of a given token, use the function lib.transfers_for_token