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Schema: public


This table is much like contract_calls. The only difference is this table is specifically for failed contract calls. Failed contract calls are useful for understanding:

  • If someone is trying to exploit a contracts; often times a successful exploit is preceded by trial-and-error in invoking an exploit
  • If there is an issue with an application, funds, etc. causing failed contract invocations


Column NameData TypeDescription
idbpchar(44)The unique identifier for the failed contract call.
consensus_timetimestamptzThe timestamp of the failed contract call's consensus time.
transaction_hashtextThe unique hash of the transaction containing the failed contract call.
known_abiboolIndicates if the ABI of the contract is known.
contract_typetextThe type of the contract.
metric_nametextThe name of the metric associated with the failed contract call.
parameter_nametextThe name of the parameter associated with the failed contract call.
parameter_typetextThe type of the parameter associated with the failed contract call.
valnumericThe value associated with the failed contract call.
string_valtextThe string value associated with the failed contract call.
argsjsonbThe arguments of the failed contract call.
chaintextThe blockchain this failed contract call belongs to.
contract_parserpublic.contract_parserThe contract parser associated with the failed contract call.
contracttextThe address of the smart contract.
block_hashtextThe unique hash of the block containing the failed contract call.